Cayenne Pepper



Cayenne Pepper
Kes. 300
Cayenne For Dilating Vessels And Awakening Nerves
Weight / Size:
- 100g
Cayenne (Red) Pepper
Capsicum annuum
Parts used: Fruit
actions: Alterative, anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, condiment, emetic, expectorant, hemostatic, pungent, stimulant, stomachic
√Used in high blood pressure cases due to its vascular dilation properties.
√Increases circulation. √Excellent in cold conditions.
√Stimulates lymph flow.
√Used to heal ulcers.
√Used with castor oil packs to help drive oils and herbs into tissues.
√Used as a homeostatic externally and internally (stops bleeding).
√A must for strokes and heart attacks.
√Treats shock.
Mix with herbs in tea, infuse oils, spice food and soups