Ginseng For The Adrenal Glands, For Chronic Fatigue, Boost Energy And Brings Balance To The Whole Body
Weight / Size:
- 100g
Health benefits of Ginseng
One of the great endocrine gland herbs, especially great for the adrenal glands.
✓Increases neurotransmitter and steroid production.
✓Strengthens cells (cellular proliferator).
✓Improves vitality and stamina.
✓Used for chronic fatigue or loss of energy.
✓Helps strengthen the immune system.
✓Increases circulation by helping to reduce cholesterol.
✓Strengthens the pancreas and helps control blood sugar issues.
✓Helps relieve emotional, mental and physical stress.
✓Helps lower blood pressure and strengthens the heartbeat.
✓Used in cases of asthma, emphysema and C.O.P.D., where an adrenal gland relationship exists.
✓A tonic for the whole body.
How to use Ginseng powder
add one teaspoon ginseng powder to a cup of hot water and allow it to steep for about 4-5 minutes or as long as you like depending on how "strong" you like the ginseng tea. The longer the ginseng simmers in the hot water, the "stronger" the tea will be.