Eliminates Parasites, Roundworms And Ringworms
Weight / Size:
- 100g
Scientific name: Artemisia absinthium
Parts used: Whole herb and leaves
Actions: Anti-bilious, antiseptic, anti-venomous, aromatic, astringent, carminative, febrifuge, hepatic, nervine, stimulant, stomachic (vermifuge), tonic, anthelmintic.
One of nature’s top herbs for parasites.
√√Wormwood is especially great for larger parasites, including worms of all types and flukes.
√√Promotes digestion and liver function.
√√Great for stomach paralysis and disorders.
√√A strong herb for debilitated conditions.
√√An excellent nerve tonic.
√√Has antiseptic properties.
√√Has been used to counteract toxic effects of poisonous plants
√√Use for nausea, morning sickness and upset stomach.
√√Use in nervous conditions and nerve injuries.
√√Great for jaundice and liver conditions and congestive issues.
√√Shown to be beneficial in cases of gout and rheumatism.
Steep/infuse one teaspoon of wormwood in one cup Hot water for 15-20minutes
Take thrice in a day for 7days