Kes. 400
Fenugreek Seeds Eliminates Parasites, Balances Blood Sugar And Boosts Breast Milk
Weight / Size:
- 100g
Health benefits of fenugreek
✓Fenugreek is a great expectorant
✓It softens, loosens, and helps expel mucus (phlegm), especially from the bronchial and lung tissues.
✓Helps dissolve cholesterol and other lipids.
✓A great blood cleanser and antiseptic.
✓Fenugreek is a medium-range parasite killer.
✓Has some diuretic properties.
✓Excellent for diabetes (helps regulate sugar and insulin levels).
How to use fenugreek seeds/powder
Soak a tablespoon in a glass of water overnight, eat soaked seeds in the morning on an empty stomach, one can still consume the water from the soaked fenugreek seeds.